Community supported agriculture means sharing in the joys and satisfaction of growing your own food. Join our CSA and reap benefits of eating locally, seasonally, and supporting your community.
Our 16 week CSA runs from May to September with a one week break in June. In your CSA share, you can expect a weekly variety of vegetables, herbs, and some fruits. This is enough produce for a family of four. Too many veggies for you? Split the share with a buddy and alternate pick up weeks!
See the Farmer’s Market tab for a complete list of monthly produce.
Pick up time and locations are to be determined. See delivery options below. Unclaimed shares will be donated to the local food pantry. Payments due at sign up. Cash, check, Venmo accepted.
CSA (16 week) - $450
Delivery (16 week) - $80
West Branch pick up: Tuesday at the WB Farmer’s Market
Iowa City pick up: Fridays
West Branch Delivery (16 week): Fridays
Contact us to sign up or to learn more about our farm!
Sara Ziehr
West Branch, IA